• Posted 02/04/2019 8:46pm

Staying Well and Disease Prevention

My philosophy on staying well and disease prevention is that you are the chief physician of your body. You are the person who gets to make decisions about what happens to you, and what treatments you are prepared to accept. 

Sometimes wellness comes with tough decisions. In my private consultations I meet with people who have chronic eczema or skin conditions who say they have tried every ointment and cream available, but nothing seems to make it go away.

But, when I suggest that they may have a gluten allergy, some people are unwilling at first to accept that they might have to cut out some of their favourite foods. Others can’t believe they didn’t try going gluten free earlier and are amazed by the difference. The point is, you have to make a choice about your own wellness regimen, and be willing to see it through.

Mixed Wellbeing Messages

Often we wait too long before taking action, and on top of that there are a lot of mixed messages coming from the internet, TV, our medical practitioners, other health providers, our next-door-neighbour or well-meaning family member.

Is that information quality? Is that information evidence based? Is it given by somebody who has the experience and the knowledge to back up whether that therapy is going to be effective?

I’ve spent a lot of time on higher learning and education so I can stand before you and recommend treatments with confidence and assurance. You can read more about my story here, but the reason I’ve accumulated the degrees, experience, and knowledge is so you can trust the information I’m giving you.

Disease Prevention in Christchurch

One part of staying well that is overlooked my many, even in the health industry, is disease prevention. What if you took measures while you are well to help stop you getting sick in the first place?

For my own general wellbeing, I take a number of supplements, vitamins and minerals to help me stay well. Are you self-employed and feel like you can’t get sick? Perhaps you’re a busy parent who needs to stay well to take care of the whole family? I can help.

Come and have a chat with me. By looking at your diet and lifestyle, I can recommend a range of supplements to help support you in your health and wellbeing goals.

Vitamins and Supplements

While minerals and multivitamins can be taken all year-round, they are especially popular in winter when colds and flu are at their peak. To help you fight off infection over winter, I’ve developed a winter wellness pack that's suitable for the whole family or workplace.

For roughly a dollar a day over three months, you can boost your body’s immune system to help keep sickness and disease at bay.

Do you want to live well AND stay well? Do you want to be proactive about your health and take action before getting sick? Do you want to be in control and make decisions about your wellbeing? Book a time to see me, Mark at Stay Well Pharmacy.

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